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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2011 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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tonight on r t a pleasure cruise there with nearly two hundred on board has sunk in the river volga entire starting central russia divers are searching for more than a hundred people still missing. they were rescued from the water have now arrived but more than one hundred people remain missing as that let's get basic to bring you all the late developments just. the top stories from the week from a spy arms in georgia charges high profile photographers with snooping from moscow skeptics say it's ninety russian image who stood by president saakashvili.
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demo deja vu for angry gyptian as they returned to tahrir square to vent against the interim leaders and basically stole the revolution. and behold the front page britain's best selling newspaper rolls out for the last time as rupert murdoch sacrifices the title while phone hacking planes in report for rest intensified. welcome you watching r.t. and around for the week's top stories with me kevin oh indeed breaking news to start an update for you there's a desperate search underway right now in central russia after a pleasure cruise occurring nearly two hundred people. on the river volga one woman is known to have drowned these are among the first images that we're getting through of the rescue in the town of stunned republic in central russia where it happened it's understood the boat sank within three minutes of getting into
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difficulty and while dozens were rescued more than one hundred as you've just been hearing a still missing this catch up with sara for she's got the latest developments for us. sara what do we know about those who being saved how were they say. what we know about the number of missing that sadly seems to have increased over the last few hours is now. what we've just heard from the emergencies ministry and they've updated us on the latest and they should now the biggest of the passengers hundred eighty eight passengers were on board that ship when it sank we know that seventy staff including the one person who saw the confirmed dead were rescued by the initial rescue team sent out by the emergency ministry and they were put on to a passing base they then took them on to the destination of the sunk ship of kids that now they've now landed but of course more than a hundred people still in the water as the divers. kate and we've heard they're
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actually searching the boat itself because there's some possibility that perhaps there are areas of that but were not that would have managed to be contained i think then to still have survived on that we can hear the latest information the images these ministry gave us now. rescue teams left for the scene as soon as reports came over those who were immediately rescued were taken to another ship that was standing close by but it's no right to cosign some people managed to swim towards nearby island doing now searching for the one woman who has died another man is in the hospital with injuries so if you seven people have been saved. now we know that area of the cold is it could be popular this time of year especially space and passenger base such as the one that is being sung carrying people this one is traveling between the town of both cities that it was a two day trip there and when it went down it was only
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a couple of kilometers prison shows that there is some speculation that perhaps some of these people the sons of nearby islands i perhaps managed to get themselves to show that as yet unknown and of course the rescue is really working out to locate the missing as possible i don't think speculation as to exactly. yes we have been hearing on some of the russian news wires already there are a couple of people reported to have this one for sure that's quite a swim three kilometers and if those reports are true as you mentioned there this area those boats popular with tourists and this is opposed to near those waters well isn't it. it's. on the journey many times but is that fifty five years old and some commentators have been speculating that perhaps the age and some problems with the design could have contributed to the base thinking their little conflicting opinions on exactly what was the cause of the sea the primary concern with the rescues it's like hating the people for the investigation will be
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launched into exactly what happened i don't know from what i witnessed actually this is the poll that is notorious as being quite a dangerous storm the place is very strong currents and strong winds and possibly that's contributed as well to it being hard to locate some of these people that remain in the woods as we stand three kilometers thirty quite as when. some of them have managed to get to different parts in the rescue is working right now to try and find this pic is possible. some of the injured are and. it's too early to list the reasons behind the accident but first reports suggest. rescuers who are writing of operation will continue until all the passengers. but we've also heard one eyewitness account has pointed the finger of blame at the captain and the crew saying that when the baby initially came into trouble there was something went wrong with the way they were managing the situation that
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contributed to the turn of the chances we've also heard from the eyewitness say it literally went down in about three minutes incredibly quickly i say all this is a lot of concern for days nailing in the was happening quite a number of hours again as the rescuers working incredibly hard to say. bring us what you know we come back to you later for more developments in spring of use know some of those pictures we've got coming through seeing some of the survivors as well some of this footage now let's take a look see what what we've got. concern friends and relatives gathered at the dockside there in the first people who were rescued were brought to shore they were met by police and medical crews and taken for treatment so the obviously as you'd expect clearly distressed relatives demanding ready to be told what's happened to the others again as you can expect we could move across these latest developments. if you just joined us to bring you up to date on that breaking news the boat went
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down in we're hearing around about twenty meters of water three kilometers off shore one of the nate latest news lines coming out we're hearing that it may have gone down in a storm that's been substantiated but the latest line is that from some of the people that say they witnessed this it went down within three minutes very little time for people to go over lifeboats and for lifesaving belts to put around them also some reports maybe they could have been some engine trouble on that but again unsubstantiated unconfirmed at the moment we know that one person has died one person is in hospital all of the people that were rescued there on board a boat heading to because then we just saw some of them arriving there now so as we get more details mr unfortunately the story this afternoon we will of course being r.t. we will be the station to bring you up to date on this one. in georgia three high profile photographers have been charged with spying for moscow
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to release a claim as it has video confessions proving their guilt but skeptics say because saakashvili is on a witch hunt to score political points. reports next and what's being seen is russian hype. georgia is on a spy role and not for the first time this time the spotlight being shined on those usually behind the camera for photographers were arrested on thursday on suspicion of spying who was there suppose it must at first georgian authorities didn't say who they thought the alleged spies were working for but a day later they did russia in turn moscow has accused georgia of paranoid he's a georgians are so quick to stick a spur label on to anyone i guess is just a level of democracy and it has been noticed not just by russia but by various key international organisations like the un one of the photographers was released without charge the other three were charged with espionage and will remain in
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pretrial custody for two months one of them has gone on hunger strike in protest. however georgian president mikheil saakashvili is person that has reportedly made a video confession admitting to spying for russia opposition figures are skeptical he worked there and read it not there are to think about actually quite a few and they haven't already come out south enjoyed it prime time were repeating it and go back and go i don't know real well we go out and we never know any kind of real human creations the government is paying for this isn't the first time this has happened last year thirteen people were arrested and accused of being on russia's payroll earlier this week nine of them received sentences of up to fourteen years in prison for the georgian government this is a matter of national security but others in georgia are very critical of what they see as particular group political calculation.
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is that you are always there and you are you. know it's a problem or course it will seem right because it. really isn't a russian who's never decided. who are is likely why we're going to. tbilisi must no deal with the most serious of occasions spying it has a neighbor with whom it's relations are at rock bottom and it has some men in jail but many of questioning whether this is really about justice or about politics tomasson. you can promise is vowing to sack any members of the security forces accused of killing protesters during the uprising that toppled former president hosni mubarak a statement comes are thousands of egyptians turned out for the biggest rally of months angered over the slow pace of prosecuting officials reforms people say they will keep fighting to and to listen change he's innocent he's at the same. egypt's
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uprising might have ousted president mubarak but to them he's far from gone thousands of people out here on top here they all see different things inside egypt but big joined together because the people we've spoken to feel like their revolution has been still there we go through the more so the more boxes the people should. live from when the taste of freedom was short lived the military is in full power a mass media is being choked and oppression still rampant and worse than before i think they werent catching activists as much as they are doing now and take them through a prison i guess now they're being greedy violently want to kill that evolution this or that and the first place he's known simply as uncle horse and here in egypt a social network or with a twitter army of some thirty thousand followers the military throws off civilians
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have to stop immediately immediately this is you know one of the major demands we're putting forward one of many demands including transparent trials for the fallen regime and the purging of corrupt officials they got rid of mubarak you know their high ranking officials but now egypt be the same way it was before january sort of got that little officials a little mubarak so many in the right side there is what you're seeing them from my running the country people like myself have been arguing for taking you to the factories they can hire you to be universities and you've got the word pieces meaning that in every single word police we have in egypt it is amenable now or it was never interested in politics until january she was shot with twenty three pellets by riot police twenty of which are still in her like the pain is finally gone but her perseverance is not the barrier of the fear is gone and she will continue to fight till the end. i want every every
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egyptian citizen to be treated as a human being every pro chast or has their own vision of the egypt they're fighting for some want a constitution then free elections others think the new laws should follow the vote one thing that brings them all together is that this egypt is not here. and he's in no way are cheap. coming up in a program of just before the anniversary of your of the worst massacre since the night syria travels to srebrenica where people are still in search of justice we've got a report for you coming up. now though rebels in libya are battling past government forces on the road to tripoli they're now moving towards the key turn of the litter for a six week long impasse but the capital still remains over one hundred fifty kilometers away the rebels say that progress is being slowed down because of a lack of. support but when suggestions indeed the alliance is now running low on
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arms itself and its asked germany for munitions really quickly reports on poland you surprised proposing a mission from the outset. more bombs wanted just over one hundred days of airstrikes and with just over two thousand bombs dropped by nato allies on libya the mission has run into an unexpected problem a lack of cells to drop where there is demand there is supply and this case germany has agreed to provide the much needed ammunition bristly berlin has abstained from voting in favor of the u.n. security council resolution on libya a move that surprised some and angered others but it may now be backing out of its decision the germans they don't want to participate but are they have decided that the position does not preclude them actually some supplying weapons in this case or assistance some believe germany is under pressure from other nato members
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particularly the united states france in the u.k. . to take a more active part in the libyan campaign at first in our. ministries towards the foreign affairs minister don't go into libya it's a very bad conflict it was started by the cia and it's a dirty business don't go there so this is why he voted with russia and china mao the backlash from washington is so tough obviously we are under pressure to do something to make up for this decision aside from peer pressure germany may be alerted by the possible financial benefits of making its weapons available for natives use in libya probably germany will get paid for delivering these arms to other countries but that is normal practice between current nato countries. out of the twenty eight nato members only eight are actively participating in libya with civilian deaths to which nato recently admitted to a shortage of weapons and the everleigh the small market death is still at the helm
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the correlation may be facing just the beginning of its problems. berlin is in a tough spot on the one hand it has disappointed need to by refusing to support the mission in libya in march on the other by agreeing to supply bonds it may now lose friends in other high places and whatever the real reasons for its contradictory policy may be germany could find that by trying to please everyone it may end up pleasing no one even goes corti. russia is holding firm on its condemnation of nato military action in libya the foreign minister says the mission is a political game it's already cost too many lives. the hordes of natives bombing libya longer than it was bombing yugoslavia several years ago and there is no end in sight it's obvious that politics is a cynical matter we hear from the western capitals that the bombing should go on until gadhafi backs off but human cost of these political statements is very high
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as local political elsewhere in the troubled middle east the syrian government's opened talks with opposition activists to discuss the possibility of reform and some leading rivals and prominent campaign is i'm not there in the meantime mass demonstrations are about to cross the country on friday killing at least thirteen people tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets calling for president bashar assad to step down since the protests began in march government crackdowns have killed more than seven hundred demonstrators syria's deputy foreign minister told r.t. that any interference in the country's affairs from the west would end in disaster . serious position has been clearly articulated and the global community is aware of the military force in syria hands so even if the west is thinking about again we would advise them not to syria is the key to the balance of the middle east any meddling with the sentencing phase would drive this region to disaster western countries are well aware of this but nevertheless they keep hating arabs and syria
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in particular what is of our political stand not really i was really kind of liked because of our success and our progress on the reforms travel through under the leadership of president bashar al assad what happened in syria probably expected to spread like an epidemic across other our countries in order to weaken israel in the quest to impose their civilization supremacy and values that the mindset of the us i very carefully signals west wants from especially the view of the recent events and i must say that's a truth they do not wish as well. and you can see the full interview with syria's deputy foreign minister in about fifteen minutes time tonight. and update now on a main story the little breaking news from central russia that divers are desperately still searching for more than one hundred people in the revolver entire to start after a pleasure cruise or some with almost two hundred on board the vessel called the bulgaria reportedly sank within three minutes of getting into difficulty earlier on
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it was three kilometers from the shore when it went down it's thought had been carrying people on a weekend sightseeing break with long route to the capital by witnesses say a storm is likely to blame for the same while others suggest that the boat's engines weren't working properly at the time that's not been confirmed president develop sort of a special investigation into what happened. and indeed dozens of people who were immediately rescued were taken to a nearby vessel they've now arrived assuring as you can see here is the latest we got through from prison concerned friends and relatives gathering at the dockside there in with the first people who were rescued. by police and medical crews and taken to treat them seems to be obviously to stress anxious relatives demanding as well to be told what's happened here is on board for a lot of question marks about this story tonight we're keeping across developments in the stand as they emerge.
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full of bosnian serb general accused of ordering the serbian it's a massacre is likely to have a new legal team to represent him at the hague. disrupted his second hearing for rating judges for not allowing him to have his lawyers present but many serbs feel that the tories general's trial will not bring full justice these. reports. the quiet little town of slippery meets in bosnia-herzegovina looks a deal if you houses are being built people go about their business and in the center of the town a mosque and a church sit side by side of this apparent unity is an illusion sixteen years ago the entire region was torn apart by ethnic clashes during the yugoslav war and seventy eight so they came infamous when the united nations stated eight thousand muslim men and boys were massacred by bosnian serb forces today and immoral for the deceased some grounds of a former un military base as the banks a memorial ground as well maintained and frequently visited by locals journalists
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and tourists who get lost in the bosnian capital of what the tourists aren't shown are the presence of serbian graves that lined cemeteries all around us there and it's a region. where. thousands of people were killed during the balkan wars of the one nine hundred ninety s. but senators like these are the entire families of murdered serb civilians only get visited by the very few remaining survivors but only comes here all the time his entire family lives here he says a bosnian muslim general is responsible. but it will be no i was only nine years old when i said already stick away everything i had in life first to kill my mother then my father and brother i was wounded and taken captive beheld me for fifty six days and only god knows how or why i survived. but even though gonna survive his loss just like that thousands of people here is being ignored. each was at the
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hague tribunal and i was supposed to be a witness in his trial but in the end me and about thirty other witnesses were simply cast aside they didn't call us didn't ask what happened to our families and the tribunal only gave him two years in prison. the balkan war so heinous atrocities visited an old sites and perpetrated by all players but the version most often propagated by western media is rather one sided in blaming the serbs. who. create a rationale for so-called humanitarian interventions which. occurred in considerable number. of serpents so that so-called precedent can be traced through the years and into today's headlines bosnia iraq afghanistan and most recently libya of old played unwilling hosts to nato troops and u.s. imposed no fly zones it is very important for. the creation of the.
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scenario for make sure in the minds of most people. was on the side which was programmed to go but for whatever reasons. and for national community didn't do anything about it some might say the journey from sebring it's a big azealia baghdad and kabul could now be traced as a kind of major road map but as with any road paved with good intentions there is only one possible destination carriers are about r t button and herzegovina. new stories now of violent clashes in bangladesh over a change to the constitution to make the predominantly muslim regional secular issues tear gas to disperse angry islam is protest as the fiftieth floor of the islam remains the official religion the government's call stacy quote absolute
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faith and trust in. the us is advanced it's pulling the plug on almost eight hundred million dollars of military aid to pakistan relations between the two countries have been strained since the summer bin laden's killing the white house called pakistan an important ally in the war on terror but added that the relationship must be worked on over time. the ukrainian courts reopened a criminal case against the former prime minister is allegedly to machines were made last minute changes to a contractor style of planning rather substantial loss to the country the exploited minister faces charges of abusing her power which carries a ten year sentence but carries a sentence of up to ten years to show there is says she is innocent though their rivals are fabricating the claim was. britain's scandal plagued news of the world views papers rolled off the presses for the last time its final edition was apologetic but the fired after being hastily closed by rupert murdoch this week battled media mogul flew to london to take charge of the crisis which i'm told the
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paper in its parent company news international it claimed journalists hacked the phones of murder victims and dead soldiers families police made a number of arrests on friday including a former editor of the paper who's also served as the prime minister's press chief media around this field we spoke with he says rupert murdoch's now lost his long standing immunity among britain's political elite. i think something changed this week you know for decades british prime ministers have been only needs to the to the murdoch press because they knew that when the sun which is its name daily news greatly here in britain when the sun supported a british politician running for prime minister it you know they won it and then you find on the next day you find that prime minister really. in the sun looking like an idiot saying well the sun got me elected i mean you've got this good meaning of british democracy is it missing a limb ocracy really which the murdoch press was at the heart of but i think and it was there for silence as well because important people needed the murdoch press and
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they couldn't see how they couldn't attack it because of that and i think a line was crossed rupert murdoch has a very finely tuned business brain he has a lot of things going on now one of them is to purchase the largest satellite network in britain called the sky b. and that decision is about to be approved by the government that was in jeopardy i think he felt that as a businessman he had to sacrifice the news of the world because it in terms of the whole news international it's a tiny part of all that the political class had been sucking up to rupert murdoch for so many years including prime minister david cameron he now has to stand back and say no i can't do it anymore it's going to bad. and bring it up to date on our top story and this sunday the breaking news from central russia the divers are desperately searching for more than one hundred people of the river vulgar in tatters start after a pleasure cruiser sank with almost two hundred on board at the time dozens of people who are immediately rescued were taken to a nearby vessel they've now arrived to shore in cars and these are the pictures
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we've got from cars of those people there and they relatives concerned friends and relatives gathering at the dock siding with the first who were rescued rubble to shore. police and medical crews who take the treatment some of them clearly obviously distressed after what we've been through focusing on the vessel itself it's called the ball carrier it's reportedly sank within just three minutes of getting into difficulty given very little time of course for people to go to my for are some to get life vests on it was three kilometers from the shore when it went down in waters that we hear. twenty metres deep at the time it's thought to have been carrying people on a weekend sightseeing break it was on route to the cattle cars and at the time i would say a storm could have. the blame for the sinking other people suggesting as well and confirm these reports though that the pope's engines weren't working properly at the time we've also heard some reports again and substantiated that there were children on board we've also heard as well that maybe one or two people swam the
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three kilometers to the nearest shore that's of course where rescuers are focusing now on the shorelines around the volga there why delta to see if people have tried to swim to safety or to have a swim if course if you're not a strong swimmer that boat had a seating capacity of one hundred forty passengers at the time it was built back in one thousand people five in czechoslovakia president medvedev the sultan is ordered to special interest investigation to try to find out what went wrong where so if you just joined this the news is still that we know it's been confirmed that one person has died one is in hospital a lot of people still missing in this tragedy this afternoon the volga we'll bring you more as we get it you're watching r.t. from moscow monitor kevin thanks for being with us.
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